
A Dragonfly plugin for creating Gmail style avatars

Primary LanguageRuby


AvatarMagick is a Dragonfly plugin for generating Gmail style avatars like those pictured below


The plugin is configurable and options can be set to control background color, text color, font, and size. For more information, please see this blog post and accompanying example project.

Dragonfly compatibility

The plugin works with the latest versions (1.x) of Dragonfly with support for older versions (0.9.x) in the pipeline.


It is assumed you're already using Dragonfly. To install AvatarMagick, simply add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'avatar_magick'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Once installed, you'll need to register the AvatarMagick plugin along with the ImageMagick plugin that's included with the Dragonfly gem.


If you're using Dragonfly within your Rails application, you'll already have a config/initializers/dragonfly.rb file where your Dragonfly configuration settings are stored. Edit the file and add the plugin within the configure block

Dragonfly.app.configure do
	plugin :imagemagick
	plugin :avatarmagick

	# rest of settings...


Simply add the plugin within the configure block

require 'dragonfly'

Dragonfly.app.configure do
  plugin :imagemagick
  plugin :avatarmagick


You can configure defaults for text color, background color, size, and font. If not specified, AvatarMagick will use the following defaults

color: FFFFFF
background_color: 000000
size: '120x120'
font: 'Arial-Regular'

To overwrite, simply provide new values for any of the above within Dragonfly's configure block. For example, if you wanted the default background to be red (FF0000) instead of black (000000) and the default size to be 200px by 200px

Dragonfly.app.configure do
	plugin :imagemagick
	plugin :avatarmagick, background_color: 'FF0000', size: '200x200'

Or, if you wanted to change the default font

Dragonfly.app.configure do
	plugin :imagemagick
	plugin :avatarmagick, font: 'OpenSans'
Choosing Fonts

To see what fonts are available, open up the terminal and type convert -list font. You can select any font listed when configuring or when calling generate.


Once the plugin is installed and registered, you can use it like any of the other built-in generators (text, plain, etc.)


image = Dragonfly.app.generate(:initial_avatar, "Bart Jedrocha")

will produce


The plugin will extract at most 3 initials from the passed-in string (e.g. Bill James Pheonix MacKenzie will produce an avatar with the initials BJP). This should be sufficient for the vast majority of cases.

Playing with options

You can pass options to control the background color, text color, size, and font used to generate the avatar

Dragonfly.app.generate(:initial_avatar, "Martin", {background_color: 'ff8f00'})

will produce


Dragonfly.app.generate(:initial_avatar, "James Hetfield", {background_color: 'f48fb1', color: '333333'})

will produce


Dragonfly.app.generate(:initial_avatar, "Amanda Smith", {background_color: '00695c', size: '200'})

will produce


Dragonfly.app.generate(:initial_avatar, "Oliver Murphy", {background_color: 'b71c1c', font: 'Georgia'})

will produce



After checking out the repo, run bash bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run ruby bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. Please note that before being able to use the generator, you'll need to register both the ImageMagick plugin and the AvatarMagic plugin

irb > Dragonfly.app.configure do
irb >   plugin :imagemagick
irb >   plugin :avatarmagick
irb > end

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install.


  1. Add support for older versions (0.9.x) of Dragonfly


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/[my-github-username]/avatar_magick/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request