Use Ruby and Testing for Advent of Code 2022

Test Driven coding for advent of code

Code is in 01/solution_spec.rb to 25/solution_spec.rb

Setup (once)

Edit Rakefile line 8: set the correct year

Log into your account on and read out the session-cookie (using the developer tools in your webbrowser. e.g. tab web-storage in Firefox developer tools)

create a file .env in the main folder:


Setup (daily)

To set up for today, run two commands in the terminal:

rake next          # sets up everything for today
bundle exec guard  # watches for changes in todays program, runs tests after edit

now the terminal is busy, the rest happens in the editor:

Part 0: Test data and parsing

  • read todays riddle, copy todays test-data into test_input.txt
  • now the test "test data exists" should go green
  • edit line 39 in solution_spec.rb: fill in the correct result for todays test
  • edit line 25 in solution_spec.rb: give todays input, and how it should be parsed
  • now the test "input can be parsed" should go green

Part 1: solve the first part of the riddle

  • implement part1 in solution_spec.rb
  • now the test "part1 gives correct solution with test data" should go green
  • copy out the result for part1

Part 2: solve the second part of the riddle

  • read the second part of todays riddle
  • find the line skip 'part2 gives correct solution with test data',
  • change the workd "skip" to "it"
  • now the test "part1 gives correct solution with test data" should be red
  • implement part2 in solution_spec.rb
  • now the test "part2 gives correct solution with test data" should go green
  • copy out the result for part2

Finish for the day

  • type EXIT and press ENTER to stop guard in the terminal
  • don't forget to commit todays solution!

more setup options

you can also use rake to generate other days:

rake next      # sets up everything for today
rake day[3]    # sets up everything for day 3
rake input[3]  # gets input data for day 3
rake guard[3]  # sets up Guardfile to run day 3