Illuminating Pedestrians via Simultaneous Detection & Segmentation

Garrick Brazil, Xi Yin, Xiaoming Liu


Pedestrian detection framework using simultaneous detection and segmentation as detailed in arXiv report, accepted to ICCV 2017.

Our SDS-RCNN framework is derivative work of Faster R-CNN and RPN+BF. Tested with Ubuntu 14.04, CUDA 7.5, Matlab 2016a, Titan X GPU, and a modified version of Caffe v1.0 as provided. Unless otherwise stated the below scripts and instructions assume cwd in MATLAB is the project root of SDS-RCNN.

    title={Illuminating Pedestrians via Simultaneous Detection \& Segmentation},
    author={Brazil, Garrick and Yin, Xi and Liu, Xiaoming},
    booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision},
    address={Venice, Italy},


  • Build Caffe

    Build caffe and matcaffe following the usual instructions. We provide an upgraded version of Caffe v1.0 which includes the required layers necessary to run Faster R-CNN in external/caffe.

  • Data

    Download the full Caltech dataset. In order to evaluate you must extract or soft-link a folder called data-USA into the directory external/caltech_toolbox/ such that such that the annotation and video files can be accessed as: data-USA/annotations/*.vbb and data-USA/videos/*.seq.

    Then extract the datasets for train, val, test in Matlab as below (or setup softlinks as desire).

    dbInfo('usatrain');    dbExtract('datasets/caltechx10/train', 1, 3);
    dbInfo('usatrainval'); dbExtract('datasets/caltechval/val', 1);
    dbInfo('usatest');     dbExtract('datasets/caltechx1/test', 1);
  • Misc

    1. Download the pretrained VGG16 on ImageNet and place in SDS-RCNN/pretrained/vgg16.caffemodel.
    2. Run build_nms to compile nms mex files.
    3. Review the config files in experiments/+Config/+[rcnn|rpn] for additional information.


Training both stages takes about 18 hours on a single Titan X.

rpn_config  = 'caltech_VGG16_weak_seg';
rcnn_config	= 'caltech_VGG16_weak_seg';
gpu_id = 1;

% train both stages
train_all(rpn_config, rcnn_config, gpu_id);


We provide the collective SDS-RCNN trained models for RPN and BCN (7.36% MR), as well as the RPN only file with cost-sensitive off (9.63% MR). There are associated artifact files of anchors, bbox_stds, bbox_means, and basic configurations which should be loaded into memory at test time as depicted below. All files are packed into SDS-RCNN-Release.zip.

gpu_id = 1;

% test RPN only
test_rpn(test_prototxt_path, weights_path, rpn_conf, anchors, bbox_means, bbox_stds, gpu_id)

% test RPN and BCN (full SDS-RCNN)
test_rcnn(test_prototxt_path, weights_path, rpn_conf, anchors, bbox_means, bbox_stds, ...
    rcnn_prototxt, rcnn_weights, rcnn_conf, gpu_id)