Keepass2 client for .kdbx files based on dmenu.
It is only meant for read access to the file, so you still need a full GUI client to do your editing and changing of password entries.
Minimal working invocation is shown below:
$ keepass-dmenu --database path/to/database.kdbx
All command line options:
--database Takes the path to the database file, relative from
your current working directory or as an absolute path.
--password Takes one argument; the password to the given file.
Mostly useful for debugging. If it is not provided,
it will prompt for the password using dmenu.
--cache-password Takes one argument; the number of seconds in which the
password should be remembered. If 0 is given or the
option is not given, you will be prompted for the
master password on every invocation.
--label Takes one argument; what property of the selected entry
you wish to return. You can select from the following
types of labels:
- password
- username
- url
- notes
--clear-clipboard Takes one argument; how many seconds before emptying the
clipboard. If 0 is given, the clipboard will not be
cleared. Default value i 10 seconds.
The following styling options is propagated to dmenu. (Note the double dashes in front of the options - dmenu only uses one for the corresponding options.)
--fn font
defines the font or font set used. eg. "fixed" or
"Monospace-12:normal" (an xft font)
--nb color
defines the normal background color. #RGB, #RRGGBB, and X color
names are supported.
--nf color
defines the normal foreground color.
--sb color
defines the selected background color.
--sf color
defines the selected foreground color.
It can be installed by running the following command in your terminal:
$ npm install -g keepass-dmenu
The following software should be installed:
- node.js
- npm
- dmenu
- xsel
The implementation is only tested on Ubuntu 14.10, with i3wm. It should work under any window manager on any linux system as long as dmenu is available.
If you encounter problems that is related to this code I will willingly accept any pull requests as long as they are reasonable. And if you need an extra eye on a problem feel free to open an issue.
This module is made public under the ISC License.
See the LICENSE file for additional details.
I am using nvm to manage node, and that screwed me over and resulted in me wasting some hours getting it working properly with i3.
i3 doesn't read your $PATH
environment variable as bash does. So you
need to source the file that sets up nvm in your bash
environment. Usually the nvm install script will place that line in
the end of your .bashrc file. You should source it in the .profile
dotfile as that will be loaded by the desktop environment.