
A small, convenient, promising IndexedDB wrapper

Primary LanguageCoffeeScriptISC LicenseISC

Index the Bee

A small, promising IndexedDB wrapper.


With NPM...

npm install --save indexthebee

... or Bower

bower install indexthebee

... or from source

git clone git://github.com/bjjb/indexthebee.git
cd indexthebee
npm install
./node_modules/bin/cake build


In a browser, add

<script src="/path/to/indexthebee.js"></script>

  var dbname = "My database"
  var migrations = [
    function(db) { db.createStore('dogs') }, // version 1
    function(db) { db.createStore('cats') }  // version 2
  var dbversion = 2
  var db = IndexTheBee('dbname', dbversion, migrations)

Migrations are optional, but if the DB at dbname isn't the right version, you'll want to run some. Migrations should be an array of functions that are called with the db as an argument.

For server-side environments, IndexedDB is not available by default, so you'll need to install an implementation. It also needs a Promises/A+ implementation (though that's probably already available).

var indexedDB = require 'some-idb-lib'
var Promise = require 'some-promise-lib'
var IndexTheBee = require 'indexthebee'
var Database = IndexTheBee({ indexedDB: indexedDB, Promise: Promise })
var db = Database(dbname, dbversion, migrations)


db.createStore('dogs', keyPath: 'id', autoIncrement: true)    // Promises!
  .then(() => db.dogs.add({ name: 'Rover' }))   // Stores as properties on the db!
  .then(() => db.dogs.add({ name: 'Fido' }))     
  .then(() => db.dogs.addIndex('name', 'name')) // Easy index creation!
  .then(() => db.dogs.name.get('Fido'))         // Indexes as properties on the store!
  .then(() => db.dogs.count())                  // Familiar API
  .then(() => db.dogs.getAll())                 // ...with some additions.

Check out the tests on the project page.

IndexTheBee was written by bjjb, and is open source.