
Client and server side dom template engine

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

domjs - client and server side dom template engine

Build dom structure easy way with plain JavaScript. Can be used on both client and server side.



In your project path:

$ npm install domjs


You can easily create browser bundle with help of modules-webmake. Mind that it relies on some EcmaScript5 features, so for older browsers you need as well es5-shim


What would be the easiest, most intuitive way to build html5 DOM tree with plain JavaScript ?

var mytemplate = function () {

    ul({ 'class': 'breadcrumbs' },
      li(a({ href: '/' }, 'Home')),
      li(a({ href: '/section/'}, 'Section')),

    p('Lorem ipsum...'));

  footer('Footer stuff');

This is how templates for domjs are written.

To get mytemplate function content turned into DOM (literally DocumentFragment):

var domjs = require('domjs/lib/html5')(document);

var mydom = domjs.build(mytemplate);

Other notes

You can save references to elements and operate on them later:

var myul = ul(li('one'), li('two'), li('three'));

// ... some code ...

// add extra items to myul
myul(li('four'), li('five'));

// append myul into other element

You can access DOM elements directly, just invoke returned function with no arguments

(myul() instanceof DOMElement) === true

Comment type nodes:

_comment('my comment');

CDATA type nodes

_cdata('cdata text');

Text nodes in main scope:

_text('my text');

Elements with names that are reserved keywords in JavaScript language, like 'var', should be created with preceding underscore added to its name:

_var('var content');

Tests Build Status

As jsdom won't install properly on Windows domjs can only be tested only on *nix systems

$ npm test