
This is an iOS app for Best Wishes Project. Best Wishes App provides a Platform to publish wishes and support people's wish.


  • Look and Support other people's wish
  • Modify your own wish
  • Publish your own wish
  • Signin with Google/Wechat/Facebook

Development Notes

create-react-native-appvsreact-native init

create-react-native-app is quite easy to setup an environment to play with React Native Apps. react-native init is going to create the whole file set, including xcode project files for iOS. To have xcode project files for apps created by create-react-native-app, react-native eject to get those files.

Google SignIn

Following this to enable Google Sign In. Currently I am using react-native-google-signin. Basically, by following the steps mentioned in the, you could set up the flow to support Google Signin.


  • If you create app from create-react-native-app, you have to eject it first to get files for Xcode.
  • Update Xcode to the latest version.
  • After using pod install dependent libraries for Google Signin. Open the project by Xcode through opening Wishes.xcworkspace, not Wishes.xcodeproj.
  • Get the Google Signin Token for iOS and set up the URL Type for the project. Files for the Google Auth from Firebase are not included in the code base. So to make it work, the following steps should be done:
    • Run react-native link react-native-google-signin
    • Install the Google Signin SDK with CocoaPods (add pod 'GoogleSignIn' in your Podfile and run pod install)
    • In Firebase, create a project. Go to project overview page, add an iOS app. Then enable the auth function for this app. Remeber to download the GoogleService-Info.plist after adding the iOS app.
    • Configure URL types in the Info panel
      • add a URL with scheme set to your REVERSED_CLIENT_ID (found inside the plist)
      • add a URL with scheme set to your bundle id
    • Add openURL function in AppDelegate.m
    • Refer to this link for detailed steps.


  • Support feedback

  • Support wechat/facebook login