Data Preparation

Dump SQL Data

Assuming current week is week2, so previous week is week1, week0, etc. To prepare the data for model training, the preparation phase will dump week0 and week1 user events log base on the event_time. For simplicity, python script is used to generate dumped data for week0 and week1. SQL data fields:

  • anonymous_id
  • user_id: random id ranging from 0 to 1000 for demo purpose
  • company_id
  • platform: platform the user uses, including iphone, ipad, android, pc, other.
  • event_time
  • event_type: 7 event types for demo: customize template, download template, share template, inspect, view report, share report, cancel inspection
  • first_event

The generated data will be saved at demo/data, named user_events_week0.log and user_events_week1.log

Dump CRM and NoSQL Data

Predefined profiles for each company and user.

Fields for CRM data:

  • company_id: will be joined with company_id for each user event.
  • social_type: TWITTER, FACEBOOK, GOOGLE

Fields for user profile:

  • user_id
  • gender
  • age: from 20 to 70

Prepare Data for Model Trainer

At this phase, the data from Data Preparation will be processed by spark batch job to generate data containing all features for model training.

All input data will be parsed and filtered at first, since there will be invalid input data. platform field from user event is extended to five fields, using their platform name as field name, their value is the number of times for the user to operate on this platform during this week. So does event_type, seven extra fields will be generated. Those fields are treated as features for random forest training and prediction. It is based on the consideration that users may use some specific platform, like ipad , and specific operation for auditing. These features count a lot for prediction.

After that, user event is joined against CRM info to include industry, region and social type on company_id. Then new records will join with user profile, adding gender and age on user_id.

Finally, the result data set is saved to demo/extracted_data. This is done by DataExtractor.scala.

Train Model

Everything is ready, now it is the right time to train the model. The input data is from Prepare Data for Model Trainer phase. It will be splitted into two sets: trainSet and testSet. trainSet is for model training, and testSet is for evaluation.

While training the model, fields: industry, region, social_type, platform, event, gender, age among them, feature 1, 2, 3, 16 are categorical feature. platform represents five platform feature, and event represents seven user events fields. The left fields are continuous features. Train parameters, like depth, can be tuned by using different combination / error rate.

The trained result includes model file for model predictor, model data for visualization. They are saved at demo/model. It is done by ModelTrainer.scala.

RealTime Prediction

The trained model is loaded into spark streaming job for realtime prediction. This is done by Predictor.scala.

Data Input

Basically, Kafka message queue is an ideal data source for streaming processing. For simplicity, I use a script, named to place generated user features into a file directory, which will be consumed by predictor.

Data Output

Just like data input, the result can be written into a message queue. For simplicity, all result data, a tuple including a user id and prediction result, is saved to a local directory. A script named will send result to Amazon SQS service, so the consumer can receive prediction result timely, as long as they subscribe to the topic.


A simple http server based on express is to display the trained model(random forests) and prediction result.

Model Visualization

Once the model is generated, a script named will take the model meta data and convert them into json format. D3.js is used to display them on a simple page. By clicking tree0, tree1 and tree3 on the page, each trees in the forest will be shown on the page. The parser is based on an open source project:

Prediction Result Visualization

Two trend curve are shown to display the trend for each round of prediction. It tells number of retention users and total users for each round.

Online Demo

I deployed the whole procedure on a Amazon EC2 server, we can get the model visualization at:, and prediction result at:

Build and Run


The following tools have to be installed:

  • python 2.7
  • aws boto3
  • spark 2.11 binary
  • java 1.7+
  • scala 2.11
  • node
  • npm


cd to the root directory of extracted source, and run mvn package to build the project.


At any path, run the following commands:

  • [path_to_bin]/ it will generate demo data, extract and join the data, train model, and parse the tree for the web.
  • [path_to_bin]/ start sparking streaming(predictor) and scripts to feed data into streaming job and process the result from streaming job
  • [path_to_bin]/ stop all deamon processes, including streaming jobs and scirpts.
  • cd to web directory