
PSR-7 implementation for server requests

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Jasny HTTP Message

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This library provides an abstraction around PHPs various superglobals as well as controlling the HTTP response. This practice helps reduce coupling to the superglobals by consumers, and encourages and promotes the ability to test request consumers.

The library only implements those PSR-7 interfaces focussed on handling a received HTTP request. If you want to send HTTP request to other webservices, I recommend using Guzzle.

Why this library?

Jasny HTTP Message is a no-nonsence implementation, that can be used with any framework or library.

The focus of the library is to behave as expected, without unwanted and unexpected side effects. A good example of this is how parsing the body is implemented.

Using the library in it's basic form is kept as simple as possible. You only to deal with a subset of all available classes, unless you need to customize.

When using PSR-7, outputing directly using echo and header() isn't permitted. Instead you need to use the Response object. Using superglobals like $_GET and $_POST also won't work, instead you need to use the ServerRequest object.

If you, your team or your project isn't ready for this paradigm shift, this library allows you to ease into using PSR-7. It can be used as an abstraction layer over the normal input/output methods and variables like echo, header(), $_GET, $_POST, etc.


composer require jasny/http-message


The library implements the following PSR-7 interfaces

  • ServerRequest implements Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface
  • Response implements Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface
  • Stream implements Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface
  • Uri implements Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface

it defines one interface


The ServerRequest class represents an HTTP request as received by the webserver and processed by PHP.

For the full documentation about the ServerRequest, please see PSR-7 RequestInterface and PSR-7 ServerRequestInterface.

To create a ServerRequest object with the $_SERVER, $_COOKIE, $_GET, $_POST and $_FILES superglobals and with php://input as input stream, use the withGlobalEnvironment() method.

$request = (new Jasny\HttpMessage\ServerRequest())->withGlobalEnvironment();

Binding to global environment

By using withGlobalEnvironment(true), the ServerRequest links the superglobals by reference. If you modify these variables, the changes will be reflected in the ServerRequest object. Vise versa, using withQueryParams() will change $_GET, withServerParams changes $_SERVER, etc.

use Jasny\HttpMessage\ServerRequest;

// $_GET is not affected
$requestByVal = (new ServerRequest())->withGlobalEnvironment();
$requestByVal = $request->withQueryParams(['foo' => 1]);
var_dump($_GET); // array(0) { }

// $_GET is affected
$requestByRef = (new ServerRequest())->withGlobalEnvironment(true);
$requestByRef = $request->withQueryParams(['foo' => 1]);
var_dump($_GET); // array(1) { ["foo"]=> int(1) }

Parsed body

The getParsedBody() method can do a number of things.

If withParsedBody($data) has been called explicitly, the provided data will always be returned regardless of headers or other request properties.

If $_POST was copied from the global environment and the content type is multipart/form-data or application/x-www-form-urlencoded, than the post data is used.

If the request has body content and the content-type is application/json, application/xml or text/xml than the body content is parsed. For XML this will result in a SimpleXmlElement.

The body is also parsed for application/x-www-form-urlencoded if $_POST isn't copied. However multipart/form-data is never manually parsed, so in that case if $_POST isn't copied an exception is thrown.

In case the content type is unknown, getParsedBody() will simply return null. If the body does have content, but no content type header has been set, a warning is triggered.

If the headers or body content changes, the body will be reparsed upon calling getParsedBody(). However this only happends if the parsed body hasn't been explictly set using withParsedBody().


The Response class allows you to create the outgoing HTTP response.

For the full documentation about the Response class, please see PSR-7 ResponseInterface.

By default a Response object will stream to php://temp and simply hold a list of all set headers.

$response = new Jasny\HttpMessage\Response();


The response object holds all the output, including headers and body content. To send it to the client (in other words output it), use the emit() method.

use Jasny\HttpMessage\ServerRequest;
use Jasny\HttpMessage\Response;

$request = (new ServerRequest())->withGlobalEnvironment();
$response = $router->handle($request, new Response());


The emit() method will create an Emitter object. If needed you can create your own class that implements EmitterInterface and pass it as $response->emit(new CustomEmitter()).

The emitter can also be used directly without using the emit() method of the response. This is also useful if you're unsure if the router / middleware / controller will return a Jasny/HttpMessage/Response or migth return some other PSR-7 ResponseInterface implementation.

use Jasny\HttpMessage\ServerRequest;
use Jasny\HttpMessage\Response;
use Jasny\HttpMessage\Emitter;

$request = (new ServerRequest())->withGlobalEnvironment();
$response = $router->handle($request, new Response());

$emitter = new Emitter();

Binding to global environment

To create a Response object which uses the header() method and with php://output as output stream, use the withGlobalEnvironment(true) method.

$request = (new Response())->withGlobalEnvironment(true);
$request->withHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain'); // Does `header("Content-Type: text/plain")`
$request->getBody()->write('hello world');          // Outputs "hello world"


The Uri class is meant to represent URIs according to RFC 3986. It allows you to get and change any specific part of an uri.

For the full documentation about the Uri class, please see PSR-7 UriInterface.

When creating an Uri you can pass the URL as string or pass the URL in parts as associative array. For the URL parts see the parse_url function.

The Jasny\HttpMessage\Uri object only supports the http and https schemes.

$uri = new Jasny\HttpMessage\Uri("http://www.example.com/foo");


The Stream class is a wrapper around php streams implementing the PSR-7 StreamInterface.

$input = new Jasny\HttpMessage\Stream();
$input->write(json_encode(['foo' => 'bar', 'color' => 'red']));

Creating a stream

By default it will create a stream using a php://temp. You may pass a stream resource when creating a stream to use a different kind of handle.

$handle = fopen('php://memory', 'r+');
$stream = new Jasny\HttpMessage\Stream($handle);

Alternatively you may use Stream::open($uri, $mode) to create a stream with a specific handle.

$stream = Jasny\HttpMessage\Stream::open('php://memory', 'r+');

Cloning the stream

When cloning a stream, the handle is recreated. This means that for php://temp and php://memory, you'll get a stream without any content. Clearing the body of a response can typically be done by cloning the stream.

$newResponse = $response->withBody(clone $response->getBody());

This behaviour is not specified in PSR-7 and cloning streams may not work with other PSR-7 implementations.


You can set arbitrary attributes for a ServerRequest using the withAttribute() method. To get an attribute use the getAttribute() method.

An attribute can be set to any static value, or it can be derived from other values of a ServerRequest object, like a header or query parameter. The easiest way to create a derived attribute is to use a Closure.

use Jasny\HttpMessage\ServerRequest;

$request = (new ServerRequest())->withAttribute('accept_json', function(ServerRequest $request) {
    $accept = $request->getHeaderLine('Accept');
    return strpos($accept, 'application/json') !== false || strpos($accept, '*/*') !== false;

You can create more sophisticated derived attributes by creating a class that implements the DerivedAttributeInterface interface. When implementing that interface, implement __invoke(ServerRequest $request).

use Jasny\HttpMessage\ServerRequest;
use Jasny\HttpMessage\DerivedAttributeInterface;

class DetectBot implements DerivedAttributeInterface
    public static $identifiers = [
        'google' => 'googlebot',
        'yahoo' => 'yahoobot',
        'magpie' => 'magpie-crawler'

    protected $detect = [];
    public function __construct(array $detect)
        $this->detect = $detect;

    public function __invoke(ServerRequest $request)
        $useragent = $request->getHeaderLine('User-Agent');
        $detected = false;

        foreach ($this->detect as $bot) {
            $identifier = static::$identifiers[$bot];
            $detected = $detected || stripos($useragent, $bot) !== false;

        return $detected;

$request = (new ServerRequest())
    ->withAttribute('is_friendly_bot', new DetectBot(['google', 'yahoo']))
    ->withAttribute('is_annoying_bot', new DetectBot(['magpie']));

Remember that a ServerRequest method is immutability, so withAttribute() will create a new object.

This library comes with a number of derived attributes, which may be used.


Get the client IP. By default only $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] is returned.

use Jasny\HttpMessage\ServerRequest;

$request = (new ServerRequest())->withGlobalEnvironment();
$request->getAttribute('client_ip'); // always returns $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']

You can specificy an IP or CIDR address for trusted proxies. When used, addresses send as HTTP header through X-Forwarded-For, Client-Ip or Forwarded are taken into consideration.

use Jasny\HttpMessage\ServerRequest;
use Jasny\HttpMessage\DerivedAttribute\ClientIp;

$request = (new ServerRequest())
    ->withAttribute('client_ip', new ClientIp(['trusted_proxy => '']);

$ip = $request->getAttribute('client_ip'); // for a request from the internal network, use the `X-Forwarded-For` header

Note: If more than one of these headers are set, a RuntimeException is thrown. This prevents a user injecting a Client-Ip address to fake his ip, where your proxy is setting the X-Forwarded-For header. To make sure this exception doesn't occur, remove all unexpected forward headers.

use Jasny\HttpMessage\ServerRequest;
use Jasny\HttpMessage\DerivedAttribute\ClientIp;

$request = (new ServerRequest())
    ->withAttribute('client_ip', new ClientIp(['trusted_proxy' => '']);


Test is the request with made using AJAX.

All modern browsers set the X-Requested-With header to XMLHttpRequest when making an AJAX request. This derived attribute simply checks that header.

use Jasny\HttpMessage\ServerRequest;

$request = (new ServerRequest())->withGlobalEnvironment();
$isXhr = $request->getAttribute('is_xhr'); // true or false


Return the path of the Referer header, but only if the referer's scheme, host and port matches request's scheme, host and port.

use Jasny\HttpMessage\ServerRequest;

$request = (new ServerRequest())->withGlobalEnvironment();
$back = $request->getAttribute('local_referer') ?: '/'; // Referer Uri path, defaults to `/` for no or external referer

It is possible to disable the check on scheme and/or port if needed.

use Jasny\HttpMessage\ServerRequest;
use Jasny\HttpMessage\DerivedAttribute\LocalReferer;

$request = (new ServerRequest())
    ->withAttribute('local_referer', new LocalReferer(['checkScheme' => false, 'checkPort' => false]));


When testing code that is fully PSR-7 compatible, create a ServerRequest with specific headers, parameters and data and a default Response.

$request = (new ServerRequest())
    ->withQueryParams(['page' => 1]);

PSR-7 compatible code MUST NOT access superglobals directly and also MUST NOT output headers and data directly.

Testing legacy code

This library allows you to test code that isn't fully PSR-7 compatible. It might access the superglobals directly and/or output using echo and headers().

// Start output buffering, so the output isn't send directly

// Create server request that is bound to the global enviroment.
$baseRequest = (new ServerRequest())->withGlobalEnvironment(true);

// Modifying the bound request, modifies the superglobals.
$request = $baseRequest
    ->withServerParams(['REQUEST_METHOD' => 'GET', 'PATH_INFO' => '/foo'])
    ->withQueryParams(['page' => 1]);

// Create response that is bound to the global enviroment.
$baseResponse = (new Response())->withGlobalEnvironment(true);

// Some PSR-7 compatible router handles the request. The code uses `header` and `echo` to output.
$router->handle($request, $baseResponse);

// Disconnect the global environment, copy the data and headers
$response = $response->withoutGlobalEnvironment();

// Refiving the base request and response, restores the global environment. Also clean the output buffer.
$baseRequest = $baseRequest->revive();
$baseResponse = $baseResponse->revive()->withBody(new OutputBufferStream());

// Assert response

// Ready for next request :)

Stale and revive

Using this technique allows you to start using PSR-7 without having to rewrite your whole code base. Instead you can refactor your code bit by bit.

When doing $copy = $object->with..(), the $copy is now bound to the global environment, while $object has turned stale.

Stale means that the object was bound to the global environment, but no longer reflects the current state. The state of the global environment has been copied to the object (think of it as frozen in time). Changes in the global environment do not affect stale objects. It is not possible to modify a stale object.

Note that the Stream is a resource that is not cloned by with... methods. This is also true when the Response is bound to the output stream. So outputting does affect stale response objects.

In some cases, you do want to continue with a stale object. For example when catching an error in middleware. In that case you need to call revive(). This methods restores the global environment to the state of the stale object.

function errorHandlerMiddleware(ServerRequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, $next) {
    try {
        $newResponse = $next($request, $response);
    } catch (Throwable $error) {
        // If the next middleware or controller has done something like set the response status, the response is stale.
        if ($request instanceof Jasny\HttpMessage\ServerRequest) {
            $request = $request->revive();
        if ($response instanceof Jasny\HttpMessage\Response) {
            $response = $response->revive();

        $newResponse = handleError($request, $response, $error);

    return $newResponse;


If you're using Codeception, the Jasny Codeception module migt be interresting. It uses the Jasny Router to handle PSR-7 server requests.