Phinx migrations generator

Generate a migration by comparing your current database to your mapping information.

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Phinx cannot automatically generate migrations. Phinx creates "only" a class with empty up, down or change functions. You still have to write the migration manually.

In reality, you should rarely have to write migrations manually because the migration library should automatically generate migration classes by comparing your schema mapping information (i.e. how your database should look like) with your current database structure.


  • Framework independent
  • DBMS: MySQL 5.7+ (only)
  • Initial schema, schema diff
  • Database: character set, collation
  • Tables: create, update, remove, engine, comment, character set, collation
  • Columns: create, update, remove
  • Indexes: create, remove
  • Foreign keys: create, remove, constraint name


Via Composer

$ composer require odan/phinx-migrations-generator --dev


Generating migrations

On the first run, an inital schema and a migration class is generated. The schema.php file contains the previous database schema and is getting compared with the current schema. Based on the difference, a Phinx migration class is generated.


$ vendor/bin/phinx-migrations generate


> vendor\bin\phinx-migrations generate

By executing the generate command again, only the difference to the last schema is generated.


Parameter Values Default Description
--name string The class name.
--overwrite bool Overwrite schema.php file.
--path string (from phinx) Specify the path in which to generate this migration.
--environment or -e string (from phinx) The target environment.

Generated migration (example)

Filename: 20170410194428_init.php


use Phinx\Migration\AbstractMigration;
use Phinx\Db\Adapter\MysqlAdapter;

class Init extends AbstractMigration
    public function change()
        $this->execute("ALTER DATABASE CHARACTER SET 'utf8';");
        $this->execute("ALTER DATABASE COLLATE='utf8_unicode_ci';");
        $this->execute("ALTER TABLE `users` ENGINE='InnoDB';");
        $this->execute("ALTER TABLE `users` COMMENT='Users Table';");
        $this->execute("ALTER TABLE `users` CHARSET='utf8';");
        $this->execute("ALTER TABLE `users` COLLATE='utf8_unicode_ci';");
        if ($this->table('users')->hasColumn('id')) {
            $this->table("users")->changeColumn('id', 'integer', ['null' => false, 'limit' => MysqlAdapter::INT_REGULAR, 'precision' => 10, 'identity' => 'enable'])->update();
        } else {
            $this->table("users")->addColumn('id', 'integer', ['null' => false, 'limit' => MysqlAdapter::INT_REGULAR, 'precision' => 10, 'identity' => 'enable'])->update();
            ->addColumn('username', 'string', ['null' => true, 'limit' => 255, 'collation' => "utf8_unicode_ci", 'encoding' => "utf8", 'after' => 'id'])
            ->addColumn('password', 'string', ['null' => true, 'limit' => 255, 'collation' => "utf8_unicode_ci", 'encoding' => "utf8", 'after' => 'username'])
            ->addColumn('email', 'string', ['null' => true, 'limit' => 255, 'collation' => "utf8_unicode_ci", 'encoding' => "utf8", 'after' => 'password'])
            ->addColumn('first_name', 'string', ['null' => true, 'limit' => 255, 'collation' => "utf8_unicode_ci", 'encoding' => "utf8", 'after' => 'email'])
            ->addColumn('last_name', 'string', ['null' => true, 'limit' => 255, 'collation' => "utf8_unicode_ci", 'encoding' => "utf8", 'after' => 'first_name'])
            ->addColumn('role', 'string', ['null' => true, 'limit' => 255, 'collation' => "utf8_unicode_ci", 'encoding' => "utf8", 'after' => 'last_name'])
            ->addColumn('locale', 'string', ['null' => true, 'limit' => 255, 'collation' => "utf8_unicode_ci", 'encoding' => "utf8", 'after' => 'role'])
            ->addColumn('disabled', 'boolean', ['null' => false, 'default' => '0', 'limit' => MysqlAdapter::INT_TINY, 'precision' => 3, 'after' => 'locale'])
            ->addColumn('created', 'datetime', ['null' => true, 'after' => 'disabled'])
            ->addColumn('created_user_id', 'integer', ['null' => true, 'limit' => MysqlAdapter::INT_REGULAR, 'precision' => 10, 'after' => 'created'])
            ->addColumn('updated', 'datetime', ['null' => true, 'after' => 'created_user_id'])
            ->addColumn('updated_user_id', 'integer', ['null' => true, 'limit' => MysqlAdapter::INT_REGULAR, 'precision' => 10, 'after' => 'updated'])
            ->addColumn('deleted', 'datetime', ['null' => true, 'after' => 'updated_user_id'])
            ->addColumn('deleted_user_id', 'integer', ['null' => true, 'limit' => MysqlAdapter::INT_REGULAR, 'precision' => 10, 'after' => 'deleted'])
        if($this->table('users')->hasIndex('username')) {
        $this->table("users")->addIndex(['username'], ['name' => "username", 'unique' => true])->save();
        if($this->table('users')->hasIndex('created_user_id')) {
        $this->table("users")->addIndex(['created_user_id'], ['name' => "created_user_id", 'unique' => false])->save();
        if($this->table('users')->hasIndex('updated_user_id')) {
        $this->table("users")->addIndex(['updated_user_id'], ['name' => "updated_user_id", 'unique' => false])->save();
        if($this->table('users')->hasIndex('deleted_user_id')) {
        $this->table("users")->addIndex(['deleted_user_id'], ['name' => "deleted_user_id", 'unique' => false])->save();

Running migrations

The Phinx migrate command runs all of the available migrations.


$ vendor/bin/phinx migrate


> vendor\bin\phinx migrate


The phinx-migrations-generator uses the configuration of phinx.

Migration configuration

Parameter Values Default Description
foreign_keys bool false Enable or disable foreign key migrations.

Example configuration

Filename: phinx.php (in your project root directory)


// Framework bootstrap code here
require_once __DIR__ . '/config/bootstrap.php';

// Get PDO object
$pdo = new PDO(
    'mysql:host=;dbname=test;charset=utf8', 'root', '',
        PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => false,
        PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => 'SET NAMES utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci',

// Get migration path for phinx classes
$migrationPath = __DIR__ . '/resources/migrations';

return [
    'paths' => [
        'migrations' => $migrationPath,
    'foreign_keys' => false,
    'environments' => [
        'default_database' => 'local',
        'local' => [
            // Database name
            'name' => $pdo->query('select database()')->fetchColumn(),
            'connection' => $pdo,


$ composer test


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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.