
Latex Completer for YouCompleteMe

Primary LanguagePython


What is this?

This is a Latex Completer for YouCompleteMe. It completes citations (\cite{}) and references to labels (\ref{}).

How do I use it?

  • YCM completers need to be made available in your YCM directory. There's a subdirectory python/ycm/completers. This completer should be added there with the name tex.

  • To enable automatic completion, you need to tell YCM about the triggers that should run the TeX completer. These triggers are LaTeX's \ref and \cite comannds. YCM provides the g:ycm_semantic_triggers option that allows adding new triggers. Therefore, add

    let g:ycm_semantic_triggers = {
    \  'tex'  : ['\ref{','\cite{'],
    \ }

    to your .vimrc to enable automatic semantic completion. (Found by Bart Z. Yueshen)

Are there limitations?

Of course:

  • The completer uses hard-coded Linux shell commands and therefore won't work on Windows.

  • The BIB completion only considers BIB files in the current working directory.

  • BIB entries are assumed to start at the beginning of a line and have the format: \<type>{<name>, ... -- name will then be selected for completion.