Yet Another Password Generator
Based on the idea of correct horse battery staple xkcd
It generates passwords, but instead of totally random it uses a wordlist which makes your passwords kind of human readable, such as
- Meta&undeviatiNg&SenegaL+ToTo
- 5c4mp57on'trilby(non-4dmi55i0n"v3rifia81y
- cyclewayspecioustutelaraffluence
included in the repo is the wordlist from Mozilla brittish english dict by Marco A.G.Pinto, licensed under LGPL.
Also included swedish dictionary sv-SE.dic
from wooorm licensed under MIT
This command will output your passwords in clear text! If you are going to use them in scripts and needs them encrypted you need to manage it yourself.
$MyEncryptedPass = ConvertTo-SecureString -String (New-YapgPassword -Leet -WordCount 2 -AddChars -Capitalize) -AsPlainText -Force