Template Image Processing Library (TIPL) is a lightweight C++ template library designed mainly for medical imaging processing. The design paradigm is to provide an "easy-to-use" and also "ready-to-use" library. You need only to include the header files to use it. There is no need to build the source codes.
##Design paradigm
A lot of the image processing libraries are designed for experimental/research purposes and do not meet the industrial standard. Consequently, the performance of the codes is not optimal, and the library can be hard to read and use. The design of TIPL follows several coding guidelines and principles that make it highly efficient and reusable. The following is the main paradigm behind TIPL.
Decouple image type and image processing method. Most of the image processing libraries are limited to their defined image type. TIPL is not. You may use a pointer or any kind of memory block to as the input. This reduces unnecessary memory storage and copy.
Not limited to RGB pixel type. In medical imaging, the most common pixel type is "short" or "float", not the RGB value. TIPL makes no assumption on the pixel type to achieve the best applicability..
No class inheritance, no hidden functions or interfaces. Class inheritance is known to cause programs in code maintenance and it is not friendly for library users to customize the library. TIPL combines template-based interfaces with C-style interfaces to provide a "flat" library structures that is easy to maintain and modify. The connections between header files are thereby minimized.
- Get header files from Github
!git clone http://github.com/frankyeh/TIPL/
- Include the header
#include "TIPL/tipl.hpp"
Now you can use TIPL