
Animation container and lifecycle manager for angular.io

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

The AnimateBy directive allows for custom enter and leave animations with proper lifecycle management (unlike with angular's built-in animation subsystem).

AnimateBy is implemented as a structural directive and because Angular does not allow pluggable microsyntax you need to put the directive in an ng-template tag. It works kind of like an ngIf/ngFor hybrid.

The directive is given an input object which represents what will be animated. If the input object is undefined, nothing is rendered. If the object (identity) changes, the current instance will be animated out and a new instance will be created for the new object. This means that just like with ngFor, an arbitrary number of instances may coexist. Inside *ngFor is suggested reading.

By adding the attribute "let-myObject" a template input variable named "myObject" will be created referring to the object that is held by the currently rendered instance.

animateBy provides the following exported values:

  • existence A floating value between 0 and 1 specifying to what extent the current instance is on screen. This will move from 0 to 1 during entering and from 1 to 0 during leaving
  • state The state of the current instance, may be 'entering', 'leaving' or 'here'.

A separate attribute "animateByOptions" may be specified which must be an object of type AnimateByOptions.


<ng-template [animateBy]="theNumber"
             [animateByOptions]="{timings: {enter: 500, leave: 300}}"
  <div *ngIf="myState === 'entering'" [ngStyle]="{position: 'absolute', height: '1em', width: (1-v)*100 + 'px', 'background-color':'white'}"></div>
  <div [ngStyle]="{height: (myState === 'entering'?1:v)+'em', overflow: 'hidden'}">I'm number {{ myNumber }}</div>

As theNumber changes, the existing number will be animated out and the new one will be animated in.



Controls behavior when an object is removed before the entry animation is complete. If symmetric is set to false (or is not defined), the enter animation will be run to completion, after which a complete leave animation will be run. If symmetric is set to true, the enter animation is halted and replaced by a leave animation at the same value of existence.


An AnimateByTimings object



Duration in milliseconds of enter animation


Duration in milliseconds of leave animation