
Keyboard support for LÖVR

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


A keyboard module for LÖVR.

Note: This library is obsolete. All of its functionality is present in the lovr.system module now.


Copy lovr-keyboard.lua to your project and require it. I like to put it on the lovr global like this:

lovr.keyboard = require 'lovr-keyboard'

function lovr.update(dt)

lovr-keyboard can only run on systems where LÖVR uses both LuaJIT and GLFW. If your project needs to be compatible with Android or WebVR, you can optionally include lovr-keyboard with:

if type(jit) == 'table' and lovr.getOS() ~= 'Android' and lovr.getOS() ~= 'Web' then
  lovr.keyboard = require 'lovr-keyboard'


  • keyboard.isDown(key, ...) Returns whether any of the specified keys are held down. The names of all the supported keys can be found here.
  • keyboard.wasPressed(key, ...) Returns whether any of the keys were pressed this frame.
  • keyboard.wasReleased(key, ...) Returns whether any of the keys were released this frame.
  • lovr.keypressed(key) Called when a key is pressed.
  • lovr.keyreleased(key) Called when a key is released.
  • lovr.textinput(text) Called when characters are entered.
