
Point at objects in VR

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


A LÖVR library for pointing at objects in VR.


pointer = require 'pointer'

function lovr.load()
  pointer:init({ source = lovr.headset })

function lovr.update()

function lovr.draw()
  local hit = pointer:getHit()

  if hit then
    lovr.graphics.sphere(hit.x, hit.y, hit.z, .05)

See main.lua for an example supporting controllers and physics.


A pointer needs to have a source object passed to it when it's initialized. A source can be any table with getPosition and getOrientation functions, and it is used to determine the path of the pointer. You can point with a controller by passing it in as the source or even use lovr.headset for gaze-based pointing.

By default, the pointer will cast a line straight out from its source and stop once the line either hits the floor or reaches its maximum range (controlled using the range option). You can also tell the pointer to check for physics objects along its path by passing a world in to initialize.

Calling getPath on the pointer returns a list of points along its path. This list can be passed directly to lovr.graphics.line to draw the pointer's path.

Use getHit to get information about what the pointer hit. This is a table with the following fields:

  • x, y, z - The position of the hit.
  • nx, ny, nz - The normal vector of the hit.
  • collider - The Collider that was hit, if any.

The hit table isn't always guaranteed to be there and may be nil if nothing was hit.

Be sure to call update on the pointer whenever you want to recompute the path and hit information.

You can call all of these functions on the library for convenience, but you can also use new to create a self contained pointer object if you need multiple instances.


Pointer:init(options) or Pointer.new(options)

Initialize the library or create a new pointer object. The following optional options are available:

  • source - A table with getPosition and getOrientation functions used to do the pointing.
  • range - The range of the pointer in meters.
  • world - A physics World. If present, the pointer will check for colliders along its path.

Update the pointer's path and hit information. Returns the computed hit information (see :getHit).


Returns a table of positions along the pointer's path.


Returns information about the closest object hit during the last call to update:

  • x, y, z - The position of the intersection point.
  • nx, ny, nz - The normal vector of the intersection point.
  • collider - The Collider that was hit, if any.

If nothing was hit, returns nil.

:getSource() and :setSource(source)

Get or set the current source for the pointer. Sources are tables with getPosition and getOrientation functions used to determine the pointer's path.


MIT, see LICENSE for details.