
Custom forms for DXLog.net

Primary LanguageC#

DXLog.net Custom Forms

DXLog.net offers a unique customization ability in that you can design your own "subwindows" also referred to as Forms. A Form can contain information, data or metrics that you do not get from one of the standard DXLog.net windows. On the DXLog.net web site you can download example code for a single custom form.

A custom form is compiled into a DLL file and "installed" by placing it in a subfolder to DXLog.net's installation folder. Contrary to DXLog.net script files, this means you have to compile your code into an executable binary.

Some (hard earned) advice for designing custom Forms in DXLog.net:

To write, modify and compile custom Foms you need to install Visual Studio. The "Community" version is free for personal use. The example code should be opened through its solutions file (.sln). If you can not see the code, right click on the Form and select "view code"

Just as with the scripts, you need to add proper references to relevant parts of the DXLog.net binaries such as DXLog.net.exe, DXLogDAL.dll etc. Without this, Visual Studio Intellisense will complain about e.g. variable names not being available and you will not be able to build.

Make sure Visual Studio is set up to build for x86. (Click on the selection arrow where it says "any CPU" and change to "x86".) The shortcut key to building the binary is Shift-Ctrl-B. If it does not already exist, create a folder called "CustomForms" in the DXLog.net installation folder (typically C:\Program Files (x86)\DXLog.net) Copy the created DLL file (located in DXLCusFrm1\bin\x86\Debug or similar, depending on your settings.) to the CustomForms folder.

Start DXLog.net and find a new drop-down menu called "Custom" between "Windows" and "Help".
Use it to activate your new custom Form. You can contain as many custom Forms as you like in a single DLL but they all must

  • Have different names (i.e. the name of the KForm object)
  • Have different FormsID (change both in the CusFormID method for the class and in the Forms property)

For more information see www.sm7iun.se