
Project scaffold for F# with FAKE

Primary LanguageF#BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


Project scaffold for F# with FAKE

Use with Visual Studio Code extensions .NET Core Test Explorer for unit testing explorer and Coverage Gutters for displaying unit testing coverage.

The FAKE build tool is used to manage project scenarios like running tests, cleaning artefacts, running application and generating code coverage rapport.

  • This project requires that you have FAKE installed. It can be installed with dotnet cli globally with command
    dotnet tool install fake-cli -g
    or installed locally at a location of your choosing (you may refer to the location in your PATH environment variable)
    dotnet tool install fake-cli --tool-path c:/path/to/wherever


  • Run application with command:

    fake run
  • Run tests with command:

    fake run build.fsx -t Test

    Test is not strictly needed since tests can be run from the test explorer in vs code.

  • Run cleaning process with command:

    fake run build.fsx -t Clean

    Clean should not be necessary but could be useful to have.

  • Run cleaning process and a complete project rebuild with command:

    fake run build.fsx -t CleanBuild
  • Generate unit test code coverage with command:

    fake run build.fsx -t Coverage

Run unit tests with .NET Core Test Explorer


Generate unit test code coverage


Property based testing

propertytesting The test fails because x * x isn't greater than x when x = 0 or when x = 1