Logic programming in PureScript

Based on the paper Backtracking, Interleaving, and TerminatingMonad Transformers and the similair Haskell package logict.

  • empty is a failed computation
  • pure is a successful computation
  • <|> and interleave is disjunction of goals
  • >>= and >>- is conjunction of goals

Basic usage

The MonadLogic type class represents non-deterministic computations.

Logic program with four successful solutions; 10, 20, 30 and 41:

logicNumber :: forall m. MonadLogic m => m Int
logicNumber = pure 10 <|> pure 20 <|> pure 30 <|> pure 41

Logic program with four successful solutions; 11, 21, 31 and 42:

logicNumberSucc :: forall m. MonadLogic m => m Int
logicNumberSucc = logicNumber >>= \i -> pure (i + 1)

Logic program resulting in only even integers as valid solutions:

logicEven :: forall m. MonadLogic m => Int -> m Int
logicEven i = do
  guard (i `mod` 2 == 0)
  pure i

A logic program that filters out even integers, multiplies them with 100. If there are no even integers, the computation succeeds with 1337:

logicSoftCut :: forall m. MonadLogic m => m Int -> m Int
logicSoftCut xs = do
  ifte (xs >>= logicEven)
    (\i -> pure (i * 100))
    (pure 1337)

ifte represents the logic programming paradigm "negation as finite failure", which performs a logical computation when some other computation fails.

Fair disjunction

Consider the everyOtherInt computation, it contains infinite solutions:

everyOtherInt :: forall m. MonadLogic m => Int -> m Int
everyOtherInt = pure >=> \i -> pure i <|> everyOtherInt (i + 2)

Note: This could in theory be simplified but PureScript is strict so pure >=> allows lazy data structures to defer evaluation lest we run out of memory.

oddIntegers :: forall m. MonadLogic m => m Int
oddIntegers = everyOtherInt 1

evenIntegers :: forall m. MonadLogic m => m Int
evenIntegers = (oddIntegers <|> pure 2) >>= logicEven

evenIntegers should in theory succeed with 2 but since oddIntegers is infinite the computation diverges.

interleave is a "fair" version of <|> that interleaves solutions in two computations. This is important when one computation is potentially infinite.

evenIntegers :: forall m. MonadLogic m => m Int
evenIntegers = (oddIntegers `interleave` pure 2) >>= logicEven

evenIntegers now succeeds with 2.

Fair conjunction

Consider the integers computation, it contains infinite solutions:

integers :: forall m. MonadLogic m => m Int
integers = (pure 1 <|> pure 2) >>= everyOtherInt

The following computation diverges because all even integers are followed by all odd integers:

evenIntegers :: forall m. MonadLogic m => m Int
evenIntegers = integers >>= logicEven

>>- is a "fair" version of >>= that interleaves resulting solutions.

evenIntegers :: forall m. MonadLogic m => m Int
evenIntegers = integers >>- logicEven

evenIntegers now succeeds with even integers.

Full example: Primes

A program that prints the first ten primes to the console:

module Ex.Primes where

import Prelude
import Control.Monad.List.Trans as ListT
import Control.Monad.Logic.Class (class MonadLogic)
import Control.Monad.Logic.Class as Logic
import Control.MonadZero (empty, guard, (<|>))
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Class.Console (logShow)

integers :: forall m. MonadLogic m => Int -> m Int
integers = pure >=> \i -> pure i <|> integers (i + 1)

range :: forall m. MonadLogic m => Int -> Int -> m Int
range start stop =
  if start > stop then
    pure start >>= \i -> pure i <|> range (i + 1) stop

divisors :: forall m. MonadLogic m => Int -> m Int
divisors n = do
  d <- range 2 (n - 1)
  guard $ n `mod` d == 0
  pure d

primes :: forall m. MonadLogic m => m Int
primes = do
  n <- integers 2
  Logic.ifte (Logic.once $ divisors n)
    (const empty)
    (pure n)

main :: Effect Unit
main = ListT.runListTRec $ ListT.take 10 $ logShow =<< primes

once is a control structure to prune results. We don't care about the divisors themselves, only that if there is at least one then n is not a prime. Calculating the rest of the divisors is wasteful so if we can stop the computation that's useful as a performance optimization.