
rest example with configurable ssl support

Primary LanguageJava

My "dreamapp"! Maven archetype that creates a bundled executable java jetty webapplication. Run the application in four ways, as a maven jetty:run, as unit test in your IDE, as executable war or inside a appserver as a war. The application is a simple REST interface backed by hsql flatfile datasource with SSL server and client authentication (certificates) support. 

Here is how to create your "dreamapp":

mvn archetype:create -DarchetypeGroupId=com.github.bjornno -DarchetypeArtifactId=dreamapp -DarchetypeVersion=1.0-SNAPSHOT -DgroupId=<groupId> -DartifactId=<artifactId> -DremoteRepositories=http://oss.sonatype.org/content/groups/public

mvn clean install
java -jar target/<artifactId>.war

Voila, and see your welcomepage at http://localhost:8080/

In the same directory as the war file you will see a application.properties file,
this is one place to put your configuration (included in spring context). Another place
is in application_properties table in the database.
The recomendation is to put database configuration and server configuration (portnumber etc) in the application.properties file, and everything else in the database.

Or you can open your new project in your favorite IDE and start src/test/ApplicationLauncher.
mvn jetty:run
Or deploy in your favorite application server.

I included a small rest service wich can be viewed at

Now, go a'head and create your own clone of this project with your dreamapp!