Parse Files (python):
- Loop Reports: parse the messages when pump is Omnipod
- FreeAPS X Log Files:
- parse the messages when pump is Omnipod
- prepare plots of the day showing BG, IOB, COB, TB/SMB, SensRatio regardless of pump type
- Reorganize the code (with help from #1 child)
- Use flake8 to force pretty code
- Use folders and set up packages
- Move the documentation to the wiki (WIP)
- Use instead of deprecated pd.set_value
- Do some work using git on windows, then switch to mac exclusively
- FreeAPS X aka OpenAPS on an iPhone is available for test (using since April)
- The log files (log.txt, log_prev.txt) have the message hex code for pods
- The format is different, so need to expand the parsers to handle Messages
- log.txt is today since midnight local time
- log_prev.txt is yesterday (midnight to midnight)
- no sure what happens if change time zone
$ grep "318 - DEV: Device message:" log_prev.txt
The log format of: "318 - DEV: Cancel Bolus" without a hex code that might be an open loop glitch (for freeaps-x/release/v0.2.0) The instances noted were associated with an uncertain bolus with IOB not handled correctly
2021-06-06T00:03:53-0700 [DeviceManager] DeviceDataManager.swift - deviceManager(:logEventForDeviceIdentifier:type:message:completion:) - 318 - DEV: Device message: 1f091a4634030e010003e8 2021-06-06T00:03:53-0700 [DeviceManager] DeviceDataManager.swift - deviceManager(:logEventForDeviceIdentifier:type:message:completion:) - 318 - DEV: Device message: 1f091a46380a1d2802265800001a13ff00bc
log.txt: first line 2021-06-07T00:00:01-0700 [DeviceManager] DeviceDataManager.swift - pumpManagerBLEHeartbeatDidFire(_:) - 173 - DEV: Pump Heartbeat
log_prev.txt: last line 2021-06-06T23:59:00-0700 [DeviceManager] DeviceDataManager.swift - pumpManagerBLEHeartbeatDidFire(_:) - 173 - DEV: Pump Heartbeat
log_prev.txt: first line 2021-06-06T00:00:49-0700 [Nightscout] FetchGlucoseManager.swift - subscribe() - 26 - DEV: FetchGlucoseManager heartbeat
Compared to Loop output:
- 2021-04-04 09:22:00 +0000 Omnipod 1F0C2055 send 1f0c2055101f1a0e3ef1a12102009101008000080008170d00005000030d400000000000008293
- 2021-04-04 09:22:03 +0000 Omnipod 1F0C2055 receive 1f0c2055140a1d5802572008001b4fff81b7
For FreeAPS X log and log_prev files, they run from midnight local time. The time stamp noted is local time with the -0700 (from PDT) indicated difference wrt GMT