
The Keyboard Layout for Europeans, Coders and Translators


The Keyboard Layout for Europeans, Coders and Translators - Version for Mac OS X.

This is a port of the EurKEY Keyboard layout, which features a QWERTY baseline layout (=good access to braces etc.) with quick access to commonly used accented characters and Umlauts.

Status: The whole layout should be mapped now. Please report if you find any missing characters.


Copy the two files EurKEY.keylayout and EurKEY.icns to your library, either system-wide (/Library/Keyboard Layouts) or for your local user (~/Library/Keyboard Layouts). A system-wide installation is preferred though to ensure the layout is available to all applications. (See also this Superuser answer.)


The Layout itself is licensed under GPLv3. The EU flag icon is taken from Iconspedia, created by Alpak and licensed under CC