
bindingFiles property is not working

felixsemmler opened this issue · 1 comments

bindingFiles property is always empty in

Example configuration:
xjc { xsdDir = file("${projectDir}/src/main/resources/") bindingFiles = files("${projectDir}/src/main/resources/my-bindings.xjb") }

I fixed this locally by setting the bindingFiles property again in fun doCodeGeneration():
bindingFiles = getXjcExtension().bindingFiles
Also changed class member bindingFiles from val to var for my test.

I think it's a Problem with all FileCollections.
We can't set the xsdFiles parameter. If we set only one xsd file here, it uses all xsd files (the default value).

xjc { xsdFiles = (project.files(xsdDir.file("/xsd/abc/def.xsd")) }

We use Gradle 5.6.2 with Java 11