A Gradle plugin for running the XJC binding compiler to generate JAXB Java source code from XSD schemas
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Quiet build is not actually quiet
#8 opened by coyotesqrl - 3
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Mixed up binding-files when using groups
#32 opened by MZimmermann - 0
Issues when changing from Java17 to Java21
#38 opened by danielpeintner - 6
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Documentation: xsdFiles not supported
#31 opened by enqueue - 0
Installation question
#35 opened by ptmahoney - 0
How to generate JAXBELement(String)
#34 opened by happyoka - 0
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- 0
Premature end of file / HTTPS problems
#27 opened by nc-cbm - 0
java.lang.NullPointerException when xsd with <jaxb:globalBindings optionalProperty="primitive"> element
#26 opened by Andrey-Metelyov - 1
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Java class generation fails with java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.sun.xml.bind.v2.ContextFactory, when xjcVersion is set to 3.0.0
#21 opened by SantoshKumar4 - 0
Is this compatible with android?
#19 opened by RamakrishnanOSS - 0
[Q] Is it possible to not run task as part of process resources / compile Java?
#18 opened by marceloverdijk - 2
Set encoding of generated files
#15 opened by ThePearhead - 0
Fluent API options
#14 opened by pewsplosions - 6
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bindingFiles property is not working
#5 opened by felixsemmler - 1
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ClassNotFound exception
#1 opened by JanVomlel - 1
Add @Generated annotation to generated classes
#2 opened by tias79