Snap Elasticsearch Collector for Monitoring

This repository explores 2 different tools, docker-compose and kubernetes, to simplify monitoring the health of an Elasticsearch cluster. Both tools run an example of the Snap Framework and the Elasticsearch Collector Plugin that collects the health data of Elasticsearch nodes in a cluster. InfluxDB and Grafana are used to visualize the data collected.

View blog post Snap Elasticsearch Collector for Monitoring for details.

Run with docker-compose

Prerequisite is having docker-machine and docker-compose installed.

After Docker is ready, run command:

$ docker-compose -f docker-compose/snap-es-monitor.yml up -d

Dashboard is available at: http://[dockerhost]:3000

Run with Kubernetes

Prerequisite is having either Kubernetes or Minikube installed.

After Minikube is ready, run command:

$ kubectl create -f kubernetes/deployment --namespace kube-system

Dashboard is availabe at: after the port forwarding.