
A quick, offline-first money-tracking dashboard for competitive team activities

Primary LanguageApacheConf



Look at all these libraries I cobbled together and tests I didn't write!


Check out these commit messages!


Need to add a sync to remote couchDB backend. AKA The Boringest Bit.

If this gets any bigger than two pages, or is going to be used again, re-add karma to the grunt test task and write some tests ya lazy scoundrel.

But seriously...

All the good stuff is in app.

Do all the dev stuff (below) to make it an application

Application will be found in dist

Das ist alles.

"The Dev Stuff"

npm install;
npm run build:all; #to build once

npm run serve; # to serve as an application

There is also a "watch" task in the npm scripts, but I've not used it yet. Once I know it works I'll document that here.