
Assets to build a container to provide a custom default backend to the nginx-ingress Kubernetes Ingress controller

Primary LanguageHTML


Assets to build a container to provide a custom default backend to the nginx-ingress Kubernetes Ingress controller

404 Screenshot

Editing Error Pages

The container has a set of error HTML and JSON files that are returned based on the error code. These files are stored in the www/ directory and are copied to the /www/ directory in the container.

  1. Fork this repo, modify the error pages as you see fit.
  2. Connect to Docker Hub/Quay.io to build an image you have access to.
  3. Modify the k8s-deployment.yaml file to point to your custom built image.

Deploying a custom default-backend for Nginx Ingress

Note: This is for the Kubernetes Nginx Ingress, not the one made by Nginx. If you haven't deployed it yet, here ya go: https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx/deploy/

These instructions assume that you deployed this in the default ingress-nginx namespace.

  1. Modify the k8s-deployment.yaml file to point to your custom built image, or use it as is for some snazzy error pages
  2. Deploy to the Kubernetes cluster: kubectl apply -f k8s-deployment.yaml
  3. Modify the ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx-controller Deployment and set the value of the --default-backend-service flag to the name of the newly created error backend, which should be ingress-nginx/nginx-errors by default.
  4. Edit the ingress-nginx/nginx-configuration ConfigMap and add the key:value pair of "custom-http-errors": "404,500,503"
  5. ??????
  6. PROFIT!!!!1