
I've split the data into the following directories:

1 .\data 
   Contains all the data files with the last 10 instances removed (this is so we can train and then test)

2. .\full_data
   Contains all the data files with none of the instances removed

3. .\models 
   Contains the generated models by WEKA. 

4. .\spreadsheets
   Contains misc spreadsheets.

5. .\test_data
    Contains the data files with only the last 10 instances.

6. .\results
    Contains the results of training the models on .\data and then testing on .\test_data

===DATA FILES== (contained in .\data and .\full_data)

File: AmericanRiverInfo_ALL.arff 
Info: Contains 110 instance of the water years
1901 to 2010. Contains the raw data with all the attributes.

File: AmericanRiv_Train.arff
Info: Same as AmericanRiverInfo_ALL.arff except
it also has the water year as an attribute and it's whittled down to ~220 attributes 
and some of the years may be removed.

File: AmericanRiv_Forecasts3.csv/AmericanRiv_Forecasts3.arff
Info: The first attribute is the forecast and determines the cutoff between real data and
averaged data. 
For instance the instance with 1-Apr-00 as the value for FCAST_DATE would have data
up to and including March but everything after March is the averaged values. 

The AmericanRiv_Forecasts3.arff is identical to AmericanRiv_Forecasts3.arff except
it does not have the FCAST_DATE attribute.
Years:1-Feb-00 through 1-May-10

File: AmericanRiv_Test1.arff
Info: Same as AmericanRiver_Train.arff except it only has the last 10 year
i.e. 2001-2010

File: Forecasts.csv/Forecasts.xlsx
Info: Contains the forecasts by engineers for the last ten years. 



To train the models run
there's also a .\ which should do the same as .\train_models.bat but I haven't actually run it.

To test the models run
ditto on .\

To compare the results checkout the files in .\results and the forecasts in .\spreadsheets (the forecast files are named Forecasts-Feb.xlsx etc).

==Bagging Least Med Sq Apr1 Forecast==
To create the Apr1 forecast using the bagging least med sq trainging model use
The above batch script trains the data on data\AmericanRiv_TrainThruApr.arff

To test the Apr1 forecast use test_bagging_only_apr1_leastmedsq.bat, it'll put the results in "results\bagging_only_apr1_leastmedsq.out".

The below batch snippet compares the bagging forecast with the human ensemble:

echo "import util_apr
util_apr.compare_model_with_human('Bagging.LeastMedSq', 'bagging_only_apr1_leastmedsq.out')" | python

==//Bagging Least Med Sq Apr1 Forecast==


I've put the comparisons of the WEKA linear regression forecasts with the human ensemble forecasts in the 
results\Comparisons-Feb.xlsx,..., results\Comparisons-May.xlsx.
In all cases the human ensemble forecast outperformed the WEKA linear regression forecasts :-(