
Rucio policy package for the Mu2e experiment.

Primary LanguagePython


This is the Rucio policy package for MU2E.

How to use this policy package

  • Make sure the directory containing the MU2ERucioPolicy directory is in the PYTHONPATH for the Rucio server.
  • Set package = MU2ERucioPolicy in the policy section of the Rucio configuration file.

Source files

  • __init__.py - registers the SURL and LFN2PFN algorithms when the package is loaded.
  • lfn2pfn.py - contains the MU2E lfn2pfn algorithm which queries the Metacat metadata service and constructs PFNs based on the metadata returned.
  • path_gen.py - contains the MU2E SURL algorithm which currently queries the SAM metadata service to get required information on the file.
  • permission.py - permission functions for the policy package.
  • schema.py - schema functions and data for the policy package. Currently just a copy of the generic code with no MU2E-specific customisation.

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