
Linux OBS STREamdeck controller

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Linux OBS STREamdeck controller

This is a simple Streamdeck controller I wrote for controlling 3 portable simultaneous OBS instances. This controller depends on the OBS Websocket plugin.

Right now the controller is not really pluggable; functionality is fixed. I'm using a Streamdeck MK.2, which has 3x5 buttons. This controller assigns 1 row per OBS instance. For each row, button 1 toggles the live stream on/off. Buttons 2, 3 and 4 select the first, second or third scene defined in the OBS instance respectively. The fifth button allows me to toggle between music (desktop audio capture) and a microphone source.

The controller listens to OBS events, so any changes/updates made in the OBS GUI will be reflected/updated on the streamdeck device as well.

See the config.yaml example for configuration.

Feel free to open any issues with bugs, suggestions or pull-requests.