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ChatGpt.Desktop is a simple and easy-to-understand interface implemented using Blazor, which supports multiple conversations. It is available on Android, iOS, Mac, Linux, Windows, and Web platforms.
Blazor is used as a cross-platform UI, and Masa Blazor interface is used.
- Click the settings button in the upper right corner.
- Set the token. If you have a proxy server, you can modify the API address to your own proxy server.
- Save the settings.
- Send a message and get an answer.
- Messages will be saved in the browser cache and can be cleared in the settings for the current conversation.
To set up a ChatGpt proxy, you need to prepare a server overseas, such as in Singapore or another country. You also need to have Docker and Docker Compose installed. Use the following script to deploy the proxy service. Note that the proxy service only proxies the api.openai.com interface. After deployment, set the ApiUrl
in the application to the server's address, http://server_ip:server_port//v1/chat/completions.
image: registry.cn-shenzhen.aliyuncs.com/tokengo/chatgpt-gateway
container_name: chatgpt
- 1080:80
文件,可以在服务器直接运行,这是一个Blazor Server的项目镜像,如果将其部署到国外服务器就无需翻墙即可访问ChatGpt Api
image: registry.cn-shenzhen.aliyuncs.com/tokengo/chat-server
context: .
dockerfile: ./src/ChatGpt.Server/Dockerfile
container_name: chat-server
- 1800:80
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- Create a new feature/xxx branch
- Submit your code
- Create a new Pull Request
Thanks to the following contributors:
To use this application, you need a ChatGpt account and login to create a token. Visit the following link to create a token: https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys
Welcome to contribute to this project. From Token with love. Join our QQ group for learning and communication: 737776595.