
LongDecimal for numbers with fixed point

Primary LanguageRubyOtherNOASSERTION

Ruby Rubocop License: LGPL v3 Gem Version


This version (1.00.05) is fixing bugs from version 1.00.04. It can be considered as a release candidate from the upcoming version 1.01.00.

Change Log

Improvements in 1.00.05

  • removed warnings when run with 2.5.3
  • tested against 2.5.3, 2.3.4, 2.2.7, 2.4.1, jruby-, 1.9.3, 1.8.7, 2.0.0, 2.1.10

Improvements in 1.00.04

  • tests improved
  • tested against 1.8.7, 1.9.3, 2.0.0, 2.1.1 and 2.2.0
  • some minor bugfixes concerning Complex

Improvements in 1.00.03

  • tests improved
  • bug fixes in mean calculation functionality for non-LongDecimal paramters
  • calculation of sqrt on arguments that result in the exact square root being the boundary for geometric or quadratic rounding recognized and fixed
  • calculation of cbrt on arguments that result in the exact cube root being the boundary for cubic rounding recognized and fixed

Improvements over the previous version in 1.00.02

  • migration from CVS (rubyforge) to GIT (github)
  • bug fixed with frozen string attempted to be changed when parsing a string for a long-decimal number.
  • removed some code duplication between rounding of LongDecimal, LongDecimalQuot and rounding of Integers to remainder set.
  • added more rounding modes based on geometric, harmonic, quadratic and cubic mean
  • fixed calculation of powers in such a way that it fails yielding a reasonably accurate result less often. Cases that are sensitive are powers with a base that is close to 1 (for example off by 1e-35) with an exponent that is huge (for example like 1e20). With "reasonable" values power of a LongDecimal by a LongDecimal works quite well.
  • added functions to calculate arithmetic, harmonic, quadratic, cubic, geometric, arithmetic-geometric and harmonic-geometric means.
  • added functions to round summand in such a way that their sum is the rounded value of the sum of the unrounded values (experimental)
  • moved power, log10, log2 etc. from long-decimal-extra.rb to long-decimal.rb
  • added more unit tests

Road Map

Work to do for 1.01.00:

  • go through functions that are working with rounding modes as parameter (like transcendental functions, sqrt, cbrt etc.) to ensure that they work properly with all new rounding modes
  • improve algorithm for rounding with sum constraint
  • go through unit tests to see they are covering all rounding modes
  • add unit tests for rounding with sum constraint
  • caching of frequently used calculation results needs to be done independent of rounding mode
  • add tests comparing results of transcendental functions for different rounding modes
  • rubydoc-documentation
  • external documentation

Work to do for 1.02.00 (or 2.00.00):

  • add the following transcendental functions: sin, cos, tan, cot, sec, csc, sinh, cosh, tanh, coth, sech, csch, asin, acos, atan, atan2, acot, asec, acsc, asinh, acosh, atanh, acoth, asech, acsch
  • support Complex of LongDecimal wherever it makes sense
  • documentation
  • external documentation
  • interoperability with gmp, mpfr, mpfi, flt and other libraries
  • interoperability with rails


The existing functionality did not show any bugs during intensive testing, so it could be assumed that the whole library is good for for production/stable. The library is used for productive software by the author.

This software development effort is hosted on GitHub ( https://github.com/ ) under the project name "long-decimal", to be found directly with http://rubyforge.org/projects/long-decimal/ So you should feel encouraged to look if there is a newer version, when you install long-decimal.

This version is an production stable version. Operations +, -, *, / and sqrt should be working properly and justify calling this release production/stable. Even log and exp should be fine. log, log2, log10 and exp have been tested for several million random values and the current version should cover all of these correctly. But it is still possible, that in some cases the result deviates in the last digit by 1 or 2 from the required result. A deviation of slightly more than half of the unit of the last digit is already present. Improving on this would require an extensive extension of internal functionality to provide rounding information in case of last digits being 50000..., where additional digits would reveal if this really needs to be rounded up or down. Because these functions are transcendental, at least exp and log will always have either one of these true, it will never be exactly ....5. Speed could be improved as well.

It would be a good idea to do some more mathematical analysis on how many digits are needed internally to guarantee the correctness of the digits that are provided. But this will not be considered a requirement for the next versions to come.

A unique feature of long-decimal is the method round_to_allowed_remainders(). This can be used for financial calculations, where the last digit is required to be 0 or 5, which can be achieved by calling l.round_to_allowed_remainders([0, 5], 10, LongDecimalRoundingMode::ROUND_HALF_UP) But this has been defined and developed in a more generic way, so the modulus (here 10) and the set of allowed digits can be chosen abritrarily, in which case the integral number, that is obtained by disregarding the decimal point, is rounded in such a way that its remainder modulo the modulus is in the list of allowed remainders, after which the decimal point is inserted again.


require 'long-decimal'

(then use it.)


Tests have been run with Ruby 1.8.7, 1.9.3, 2.0.0, 2.1.1 and 2.2.0 Some tests do not work with 1.8.7 because of missing language features. They are skipped. No major effort for adapting tests to this version will be allocated.

Some runit tests have been included. They give some indication of the correctness of this library and allow changes to be checked in order to make sure that what was running before would still work afterwards. Tests for a library as complex as long-decimal can never be exhaustive, but they give a good indication that methods are working correctly. The set of tests that is available now is considered to be complete. As a policy a release is not created unless all tests succeed. Running all tests can take a few minutes or even hours, depending on your machine. Whatever is gained by making the software run faster is used up again by adding more tests. The regular tests are run by

ruby test/testlongdecimal.rb

This is the result of the test:

Finished in 2952.440454s, 0.0660 runs/s, 7759.3877 assertions/s.

195 runs, 22909130 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips

In addition random tests for exp, exp2, exp10, sqrt, log, log2 and log10 can be run for a long time, using

ruby test/testrandom.rb.

The power function did fail in some tests, which have been collected in

ruby test/testlongdecimal-extra.rb

some additional tests are in

ruby test/testrandom-extra.rb

They should be integrated into testrandom.rb

Likewise tests for powers x to the yth with random x and y (which also resided in long-decimal-extra.rb) can be tested for a long time using

ruby test/testrandpower.rb

These random tests require installation of the ruby-library crypt-isaac for its random numbers, which works well with Linux or Windows in combination with Cygwin. Installation of crypt-isaac is required for the random tests.

If you actually want to run tests for long-decimal or long-decimal-extra and find an error with it, please report it.


  1. Using ruby-gems (preferred)
  • open a shell window

  • become root, unless the current user has the right to install gems (which is usually the case on windows or when using rvm)


  • uninstall old versions

    gem uninstall long-decimal

  • install the newest version

    gem install long-decimal

  • Usage from your ruby-programs:

    require "long-decimal"

  • documentation will be found in HTML-format in the directory $RUBY_DIR/gems/$RUBY_VERSION/doc/long-decimal-$LONG_DECIMAL_VERSION/rdoc/index.html where $RUBY_DIR is the directory containing your ruby-installation, usually /usr/lib/ruby or /usr/local/lib/ruby on Linux/Unix-systems. $RUBY_VERSION is the major version of your Ruby, like 2.1 $LONG_DECIMAL_VERSION is the version of long-decimal that you have installed, like 1.00.03

  1. Installing from the sources (it is preferred to use the gem-installation, but since long-decimal is open-source-software you are off course granted the right to download the source and change it and install your own version.)
  • download the newest source-tar.gz-file from long-decimal project at github which can be found by
  • open a shell window cd to the directory where you have downloaded the .tar.gz-file unpack the file using tar tar xfzvv long-decimal-*.tar.gz cd long-decimal
  • now you can use rake for several operations
    • rake test runs runit tests. All tests should succeed.
    • rake doc creates the documentation
    • rake gem creates the gem-file in a sub-directory pkg recommended for installation, proceed as in 1
    • cd pkg
    • gem install --local long-decimal
  1. The documentation can be created from the sources. It is contained in the gem-file. It is not provided as a separate file any more.


It is considered somewhat arbitrary to disallow calculation exponential functions if the result could not be expressed as Float. This limitation should be removed, even though it has to be added, that results of exponentiation that go beyond Float can only be handled with quite significant calculation effort, because they really need more than 300 digits.

Certain calculations are too slow. Algorithms need to be optimized for speed. The goal is to keep the algorithms in Ruby-code as long as possible to make it easier to optimize the algorithm. If optimization beyond this level will be needed, C-code might be used, preferably based on an existing library. Since long-decimal is intending to provide full support for JRuby as well, equivalent implementations in Ruby or Java must be included for libraries written in C.

Even though some mathematical background has already been invested, more effort from the theoretical side could be useful in order to choose internal precision parameters in such a way that correctness of the result to all given digits can be guaranteed with a minimum of overhead. Currently parameters are probably slightly too careful, which slows calculations down. But it is also possible that they are insufficient for certain calculations, yielding slightly wrong results in some very rare situations, "wrong" meaning a deviation of a low multiple of the unit.

rdoc-documentation and in-code comments are somewhat complete, but for a sophisticated library like this additional external documentation should be provided in the long term. Currently this does not exist at all.

Please report any bugs you come across.

The status of long-decimal is considered to be production stable.


Ruby's license or LGPL Find copies of these licenses on http://www.gnu.org/ or http://www.ruby-lang.org/ © Karl Brodowsky (IT Sky Consulting GmbH) 2006-2015 http://www.it-sky-consulting.com/


This is free software and it comes with absolutely no warranty. Tests indicate that most functions work relyably in all situations and all functions work relyably in most situations. But do not expect too much! This is work in progress! I do not take any responsibility. Please use it as it is, change it according to the terms of the license or wait for a future version (for which I can't take any warranty either...)


Karl Brodowsky IT Sky Consulting GmbH http://www.velofahren.de/cgi-bin/mailform.cgi (no direct mail address because I do not like spam)