
可以通过合约直接与合约进行交互。我们选择合约交互的原因是 batch mint 可以保存在一个 txn 中 节省电化气 学习新东西?

Primary LanguageSolidity


This is a batch mint tool to interact with contract directly by contract. The reasons why we choose contract interaction is

  1. batch mint can be held in one txn
  2. save intilized gas
  3. learn something new?


This is main contract to interact with target contract. It's only a toy tool rn. There are some TODOs here.

  1. Add factory mode to mint more than once
  2. Add adjustable gas in call function
  3. Add more secure funciont to guard it. Disclaimer: it's risky to use it directly. Please make sure you review it and understand every details in the code. Make your own change. It's not investement advise.


This is the example target contract we are using.


This is a lib.