React component for creating custom overlay-scrollbars with native scrolling mechanism for web applications (when needed)
- It only create the custom scrollbars (bind events, etc) when the OS does not supports “overlay-scrollbars” natively, otherwise leave the scrollbars intact
- IE9+ support
Uses gemini-scrollbar under the hood, check the gemini-scrollbar repo for more information.
npm install react-gemini-scrollbar --save
var GeminiScrollbar = require('react-gemini-scrollbar');
<h1>The content.<h1>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.</p>
Don’t forget the gemini stylesheet
NPM@2 located at:
NPM@3 located at:
: show scrollbars upon hoveringforceGemini
: add option to force Gemini scrollbars even if native overlay-scrollbars are available
You can change the styles of the scrollbars using CSS. Ex:
/* override gemini-scrollbar default styles */
/* vertical scrollbar track */
.gm-scrollbar.-vertical {
background-color: #f0f0f0
/* horizontal scrollbar track */
.gm-scrollbar.-horizontal {
background-color: transparent;
/* scrollbar thumb */
.gm-scrollbar .thumb {
background-color: rebeccapurple;
.gm-scrollbar .thumb:hover {
background-color: fuchsia;
If you want to specify different scrollbar styles for your components, one
alternative is to pass a className
to the component. Then you can use that
as a namespace when writing your css. Ex:
<GeminiScrollbar className='my-awesome-scrollbar'>...</GeminiScrollbar>
.my-awesome-scrollbar .gm-scrollbar.-vertical {...}
.my-awesome-scrollbar .gm-scrollbar.-horizontal {...}
.my-awesome-scrollbar .gm-scrollbar .thumb {...}
MIT © Noel Delgado