Building a ML Classification application with Gramex

Step 1 - Setup and Installation

To install gramex and its dependencies, please see the installation guide.

Step 2 - Overview

Step 2.1 - Workshop Outline

The workshop begins at 11:30 am.

Section Content Duration
Introduction Gramex intro, controlling data with URL params 20 mins, 11:30 to 11:50 am
Build an ML app Use snippets and build the application step-by-step 50 mins, 11:50 to 12:40 pm
Q&A, Support Q&A session, help the participants 10 mins, 12:40 to 12:50 pm
Possibilities Other ML applications, Email alerts, Charts, Screenshots, Admin module 10 mins, 12:50 to 1 pm

Step 2.2 - Overview of file structure

Files for building the application:

  • gramex.yaml - route configuration for endpoints
  • index.html - page that serves the application content
  • template-navbar.html - navbar content
  • style.css - CSS rules
  • report.html - classification output renderer

Files for the workshop:

  • - workshop introduction
  • snippets - code snippets to build application
  • final.html - compare your final application against this

Run locally


Content for the workshops is prepared by below contributors: