
CSS templates for R Markdown documents

Primary LanguageCSS

CSS templates for R Markdown documents

These templates were lifted from John Otander and wrapped into an R package.

  • Air
  • Modest
  • Retro
  • Splendor


Install the package from Github using devtools:



Open an R Markdown skeleton document in the RStudio IDE by selecting File > New File > R Markdown... > From Template. This will load a skeleton document with the appropriate YAML header:

title: "Untitled"
output: rmdcss::html_air

Understanding document templates

You can easily add your own document templates by the instructions at the R Markdown website.

If you want to use a CSS template that is not included in this package you can choose to either:

  • Modify this package to include your CSS file
  • Refer to the CSS file outside of this package

If you want to use a CSS file outside of this package, you should store the CSS file in your document directory and refer to it in the YAML header:

title: "Habits"
    theme: null
    highlight: null
    css: styles.css

For more details on how to customize HTML output with R Markdown, please refer to the R Markdown website.