E2E Test Automation


A test automation framework using WebdriverIO. The main purpose is to support full end-to-end integration testing between mobile and web devices.


Install NVM

  • brew install nvm
  • echo "source $(brew --prefix nvm)/nvm.sh" >> ~/.zshrc (replace zshrc with your default resource script)
  • brew install appium
  • Restart terminal
  • nvm install 14.17.5
  • nvm use 14.17.5


Setup access to our private npm repositories:

  1. You've signed up https://www.npmjs.com/ with the username touchbistro-[your email username] and enabled 2-factor auth
  2. Accepted npm organization invite. Check your email or request access through #help-devops Slack Channel.
  3. Login using npm login in your terminal once you have your npmjs credentials.

Install Packages

  • Run npm install
  • cp .env.example .env
  • update iOS version in the .env file.

Confirm the following:

appium -v

npm -v

node -v

java -version
java version "17.0.2" 2022-01-18 LTS
  • Make a copy of .env.example to your own .env file in the root directory. Fill in the variables as needed for your setup:
    • ENVIRONMENT: currently supports either production or localhost
    • MANAGE_USER and MANAGE_PASSWORD: credentials for your manage user, used for unlinking licenses on Manage
    • POS_ADMIN_PASSCODE: passcode for your venue, which will be default to 1234. this shouldn't change for now, but will allow for future implementation if we need to have a custom passcode for the restaurant
    • DEVICE_UDID(optional): the UDID of the simulator or physical device that the app will run on. you can find the UDID by running the command xcrun simctl list and finding your simulator in the list that displays
    • APP_PATH(optional): the path to the app that will be running. you will need a standalone build of the app
    • DEVICE_NAME(optional): the specific name of the simulator you wish to run . e.g. iPad Pro (9.7-inch)
    • WDIO_SERVICE(optional): The web service you want wdio to run. Default selenium-standalone. Can also use appium. NOTE: selenium-standalone does not work on arm mac books.


npm run all_tests - this will run the all uitests.

npm run floorplan_sync_test - currently this will run the entire set of floorplan sync down tests.

npm run loyalty_gift_card_test - currently this will run the entire set of loyalty - gift card tests.

npm run loyalty_test - currently this will run the entire set of loyalty - rewards tests.

npm run menu_sync_test - currently this will run the entire set of menu sync tests.

npm run online_order_test - currently this will run the entire set of online ordering.

npm run reports_test - currently this will run the entire set of reports tests.

npm run support_options_test - currently this will run set of support options tests.

Command Line Parameters

noreset - add this parameter when running tests to run the app as it is on the ipad (ie. npm run amp noreset)

Framework Structure


  • Entry point for the automation framework. This is what is called from the script in Package.json
  • Since this wdio framework uses TypeScript, the .js entrypoint is very short and calls a wdio config .ts file that has all the config details


  • WebDriverIO config file - details can be found in WDIO documentation


  • I use the "scripts" section to run specific automation suites. This is where the .js entrypoint is specified


  • Test files are located in the specs folder


  • Page Objects are located in the pageobjects folder
  • Currently set up so there is a generic WebPage and MobilePage class, which all other pageobjects for that respective platform inherit from
  • Page Objects contain functions that call helper functions


  • Wrappers around Selenium and Appium functions
