Early prollyfill variant of Tab Atkins Cascading Attribute Sheets
The Basic Idea
CAS is a rule based system that works like CSS, you can use it to attach/detach/change properties and listeners.
/* my.cas */
/* set the preload attribute on all video elements */
video { preload: true; }
/* attach the showHelp function to onclick of any .helpButton child of .controls (any valid onevent works) */
.controls > helpButton:onclick {
attach: showHelp;
/* !off is a special idnetifier that removes the attribute (you can use !on for boolean attrs as well) */ { disabled: !off; }
Use (interpreted)
- Include cas - anywhere will do, it uses ParseMutationObservers
<script src="../dist/cas.min.js"></script>
- Add some cas either via:
<link type="text/x-cas" href="test.cas"></link>
<script type="text/x-cas">...</script>
- Have fun.
Use (precompiling)
You can use node to precompile all .cas files in a folder:
node precompile sample
This will generate a .cas.js file which you can include via normal script tag.