Containerized pipeline to amend a previously-run qc database with some new tests, and return performance and discrimination stats and plots. Run as an interactive environment:

docker container run -it -v $(pwd)/new-tests:/AutoQC/dev thisimage bash

where $(pwd)/new-tests/qctests has the new qc tests to be integrated, and $(pwd)/new-tests/iquod.db has the database with the canonical tests pre-evaluated. All analysis artefacts will be dumped to $(pwd)/new-tests.

User scripts:

  • Evaluate AutoQC for the new qc tests, and append results to iquod.db
  • Run, and append a column to iquod.db indicating resulting [T,F]x[P,N] classification for each profile. If CUSTOM_PERF=1, skip catchall, and instead copy /AutoQC/dev/custom_perf.json in in catchall.json's place
  • Generate plots for each testing profile, categorized by [T,F]x[P,N].
  • Generate an uncertainty estimate on TPR and FPR by running a bunch of times