
Scripts and tools to generate a JSON representation of the full Argo dataset, and populate mongodb.

rebuilding the database fron scratch

  • generate empty argo and argoMeta collections with schema enforcement and indexes defined via this TBD process
  • build the appropriate container target: docker image build --target rebuild -t argovis/admtupdates:rebuild .
  • when running, make sure the results of rsync'ing ifremer are mounted at /bulk/ifremer; see pod-rebuild.yaml for example.

updating nightly

  • assumes that the most recently created subdirectory of /logs contains a file rsyncresults which lists the full path to every profile netCDF file CRUD'ed by the most recent rsync.
  • build the appropriate container target: docker image build --target update -t argovis/admtupdates:update .
  • when running, make sure the results of rsync'ing ifremer are mounted at /bulk/ifremer and the appropriate records are mounted at /logs; see pod-update.yaml for example.