
Terraform wrapper script for handling multi-environment, multi-region deployments

Primary LanguageShell

Terraform multi-environment wrapper


This project is a small shell wrapper script to handle multi-env and multi-region terraform deployments in the AWS cloud.


  • An S3 bucket for each environment must be in place.


The environment, AWS region and terraform subcommand must be defined in the order below..

./tf_wrapper.sh [env] [region] [plan|apply|destroy|show|taint|untaint]

Deploy environments

Example1 - Deploying dev environment in the AWS us-east-1 region

The 'plan' option will show what changes will be made and validates syntax...

$ ./tf_wrapper.sh dev us-east-1 plan

The 'apply' option will apply the setting shown during the plan

$ ./tf_wrapper.sh dev us-east-1 apply

The 'destroy' option will tear down the resources managed by this terraform project.

$ ./tf_wrapper.sh dev us-east-1 destroy
Example2 - Deploying test environment in the AWS us-west-1 region
$ ./tf_wrapper.sh test us-west-1 plan
$ ./tf_wrapper.sh test us-west-1 apply

Using show subcommand

The 'show' option reads and outputs a terraform state file in a human-readable form.

$ ./tf_wrapper.sh test us-west-1 show

Using taint/untaint subcommand

The 'taint' and 'untaint' options manually marks or unmarks a resource to be destroyed and recreated on the next plan/apply. The resource name can be found from the 'show' subcommand option.

$ ./tf_wrapper.sh test us-west-1 taint <aws_resource>
$ ./tf_wrapper.sh test us-west-1 untaint <aws_resource>


  • The configuration was developed and tested with Terraform v0.6.16.