SchluesselWert - High Availability Key Value Store

SchluesselWert is a key value store that uses raft as consensus algorithm. It is currently in development and not stable. It uses Tokio to handle requests asynchronously.

Using it

Currently there is no binary available that will be build by Cargo. The current interface for talking to a cluster is to use the Client struct. This structure supports the basic operations like Get, Set, Delete and Scan. It also supports adding and removing nodes from a cluster.


There are several tests in the project that help to prove the correctness of the implementation. The unit tests can be found in the individual files in the src directory. The integration tests are in the tests folder.


This implementation currently does not have any working benchmarks.


  • Use WriteBatch to batch multiple writes as one atomic operation. This should also increase the performance.
  • Work on all the TODOs in the source code.
  • Use less unwraps. The code uses unwraps in a lot of cases, this should be minimized.
  • Merge incoming and outgoing TCPStreams into on structure.


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License: MIT/Apache-2.0