Swapi Test

TODO: Fill in the desired project description here

View Components (Storybook)

To view storybook, simply run:

npm run storybook

View application/integration server

npm run dev

Visit Repo PR page

Takes you to this projects PR's in it's remote repo. This is where features and changes for a branch should be requested to be merged in. PR's should be made exclusively to the dev branch unless you are making a release.

npm run pr

Using the UI components in your own project

You can install this project like any repository using npm by installing the repo from a git repo style install:

npm i -DE <company name>/<repo name>

Then if your project settings are properly established, you use the components like so:

import { ComponentName } from "swapi-test";


This project should also include the used fonts to make it work. Ensure these fonts are embedded on the page you are working with. They will be found under ui/assets within the project's repo if you need them.

Developing for this project

Same as viewing the project. Simply run:

npm i


npm i --legacy-peer-deps

then for UI component development:

npm run storybook

Or for Integration or Web App development:

npm run dev

Then your changes in the source code will automatically be reflected in the project.

Building a new distribution of the project

After changes are completed and ready for a new distribution. Simply run:

npm run release

The new files will be generated and will generate a release branch. If the branch is created SUCCESSFULLY (ensure no errors occurred in the process), the process should push the branch and the newly created tag to the repo for you.

Thus you should now be able to create a PR from release to master and dev.

Some shortcut commands were created to help this process, you can either go to the PR page and generate the PRs:

npm run pr

Or you can try using the auto PR set up to open up both PR creation request pages automatically:

npm run pr-release

These are just convenience methods created and should not be an excuse to NOT understand what is happening. Only an administrator of the project who understands the implications should be running through the release procedure.

This script WILL NOT WORK correctly unless there are commits with the following message formats:

feature: message fixed: message breaking: message task: message

You can also make commits with NO semver indicator which will be ignored by the notes generation and semver versioning.