
A kubernetes cluster in a snap

Primary LanguageShell


Kubernetes in a snap that you can run locally.

User Guide

Snaps are frequently updated to match each release of Kubernetes. The quickest way to get started is to install directly from the snap store

snap install microk8s --classic --beta

At this time microk8s is an early beta, while this should be safe to install please beware. In order to install microk8s, make sure any current docker daemons are stopped and port 8080 is unused.

Accessing Kubernetes

To avoid colliding with a kubectl already installed and to avoid overwriting any existing Kubernetes configuration file, microk8s adds a microk8s.kubectl command, configured to exclusively access the new microk8s install. When following instructions online, make sure to prefix kubectl with microk8s..

microk8s.kubectl get nodes
microk8s.kubectl get services

If you do not already have a kubectl installed you can alias microk8s.kubectl to kubectl using the following command

snap alias microk8s.kubectl kubectl

This measure can be safely reverted at anytime by doing

snap unalias kubectl

Kubernetes Addons

microk8s installs a barebones upstream Kubernetes. This means just the api-server, controller-manager, scheduler, kubelet, cni, kube-proxy are installed and run. Additional services like kube-dns and dashboard can be run using the microk8s.enable command

microk8s.enable dns dashboard

These addons can be disabled at anytime using the disable command

microk8s.disable dashboard dns

Building from source

Build the snap with:


Building for specific versions

You can set the following environment variables prior to building:

  • KUBE_VERSION: kubernetes release to package. Defaults to latest stable.
  • ETCD_VERSION: version of etcd. Defaults to v3.3.4.
  • CNI_VERSION: version of CNI tools. Defaults to v0.6.0.

For example:

KUBE_VERSION=v1.9.6 snapcraft

Faster builds

To speed-up a build you can reuse the binaries already downloaded from a previous build. Binaries are placed under parts/microk8s/build/build/kube_bins. All you need to do is to make a copy of this directory and have the KUBE_SNAP_BINS environment variable point to it. Try this for example:

> snapcraft
... this build will take a long time and will download all binaries ...
> cp -r parts/microk8s/build/build/kube_bins .
> export KUBE_SNAP_BINS=$PWD/kube_bins/v1.10.2/
> snapcraft
... this build will be much faster and will reuse binaries in KUBE_SNAP_BINS

Installing the snap

snap install microk8s_v1.10.3_amd64.snap --classic --dangerous