
Automatically create polls in GitHub issues.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

GitHub Polls Bot

A GitHub App built with Probot that automatically creates gh-polls in GitHub issues.

Travis Codecov Status Dependency Status devDependency Status peerDependency Status Greenkeeper badge prettier license


  1. Configure the GitHub App: github.com/apps/polls
  2. Add command to issue:
/polls Option1 'Option 2' "Option 3"

# Automatically replace with the following markdown =>

Developer Guide


  • Create a .env file from .env.example.
  • Download the private-key.pem from GitHub and move it to your project’s directory.

Note: Please follow the Developing an App section of Probot documents.


  • node >= 9.0.0
  • yarn >= 1.3.2
$ git clone https://github.com/evenchange4/gh-polls-bot
$ yarn install --pure-lockfile

$ yarn run dev # dev server
$ yarn start   # prod server


$ yarn run format
$ yarn run eslint
$ yarn run test:watch
$ yarn run flow
$ yarn run flow-coverage

Deploy to Now.sh

Any git commits push to master branch.

$ npm version patch
$ yarn run changelog

Note: PRIVATE_KEY pem workaround: first-timers-bot #89

Technology Stacks




  • ⇄ Pull requests and ★ Stars are always welcome.
  • For bugs and feature requests, please create an issue.
  • Pull requests must be accompanied by passing automated tests ($ yarn run test).

MIT: http://michaelhsu.mit-license.org