
ASCII cowfiles for cowsay

Primary LanguagePerl


Additional ASCII cowfiles for cowsay.


First, download and install cowsay.

  • OSX: brew install cowsay
  • GNU/Linux:
    • Debian based distros (Ubuntu): sudo apt-get install cowsay
    • Arch based distros: pacman -S cowsay
    • RHEL/CentOS based distros: dnf install cowsay
    • OpenSUSE: zypper install cowsay

Next, you need to place the cowfiles somewhere that cowsay can locate them. I recommend creating a .cowsay folder under your home directory. Clone the contents of this repo in that folder:

git clone https://github.com/bkendzior/cowfiles.git ~/.cowsay

Now, add the new folder to your $COWPATH environment variable. Append this line to your shell's configuration file (.bashrc, .zshrc, .cshrc).



If you have fortune installed, here is a simple bash function that you can place in your shell's appropriate dotfile (bashrc, zshrc, cshrc) that will give you a useful quip from a funky cow whenever you open a new terminal session.

# Cow-spoken fortunes every time you open a terminal
function cowsayfortune {
    NUMOFCOWS=`cowsay -l | tail -n +2 | wc -w`
    THISCOW=`cowsay -l | tail -n +2 | sed -e 's/\ /\'$'\n/g' | sed $WHICHCOW'q;d'`

    #echo "Selected cow: ${THISCOW}, from ${WHICHCOW}"
    fortune | cowsay -f $THISCOW -W 100
