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Welcome to Tavern pull the repo git pull https://github.com/bkerby/tavern.git master
npm i
to install all packages required
ionic serve
to see in web page.
ionic serve --lab
to see on both android and IOS.
After serving the application with ionic serve --lab
you can go to the ionic lab http://localhost:8200/,
and/or the Web page served as http://localhost:8100/
Currently deployed page using Google Firebase Tavern
Trello account Trello
For TAVERN developers
Requirements for editing code:
Install Node.js Node.js Download
Install VSCode or other IDE (VSCode recomended) VSCode Download
Install Git command line tools Git Download
Make a google firebase account (Use school email) Firebase Account
Make a Github account (Optional - Use school email) Github
In a clean folder run in the terminal
npm i -g ionic@latest
npm i -g cordova@latest
npm i -g @angular/cli@latest
npm install -g firebase-tools
npm update
Then pull from the repo might take me to authorize the pull request, the commands are, In an empty folder that you want the project to be in:
git init
git pull https://github.com/bkerby/tavern.git master
(This might be were the pull request is required)
ionic serve --lab
runs the ionic lab at https://localhost:8200
Additional Git help
After creating github account and accepting collaboration invite, add this repository url.
git remote add origin https://github.com/bkerby/tavern.git
to setup new remote
git remote -v
to verify it works
For workflow using git, refer to https://jameschambers.co/writing/git-team-workflow-cheatsheet/