

  • truffle-assertions - for testing events
  • truffle-hdwallet-provider - for being able to deploy using infura + truffle
  • truffle was used to provide a development env, testing framework, and asset pipeline for Ethereum.
  • Solidity was used to write the smart contracts
  • web3.js is a collection of libraries that allow you to interact with a local or remote ethereum node using HTTP, IPC or WebSocket.

Core libraries used

  • Truffle v5.4.8 (core: 5.4.8)
  • Solidity v0.5.16 (solc-js)
  • Node v16.6.1
  • Web3.js v1.5.2

Running the tests

  1. Change directories into the project-6 folder
  2. In the terminal run truffle develop
  3. Soon the terminal will dispaly truffle(develop)>
  4. at that prompt enter test
  5. you will see it compile the contracts and then run the associated unit tests. There will be 10 passing tests.

Running the front end

  1. Change directories into the project-6 folder
  2. In one terminal run truffle develop
  3. In metamask ensure you have a connection to truffles server on port 9545
  4. Import one of the private keys to setup metamask with an account that has eth
  5. In another terminal run npm run dev
  6. The local UI will display (if not navigate to localhost:3000)
  7. Now you can exercise the contract via the ui and try various operations.


I did not use IPFS


  • located in umldiagrams folder - I took screenshots of drawio these wouldn't fit nicely on normal printer page to print as pdf

Contract Address

contract address is 0xa542170A755f32f27938718E497b1993cf3A91d3 find the full output in rinkenbytxn.txt