Quantum Entanglement Demonstration through violation of Bell's Inequality
Use Linux
Install virtualenv to set up proper python environment. On systems with apt:
sudo apt install virtualenv
Set up and activate python virtual environment
virtualenv -p python3 venv # create virtual environment for python3
source venv/bin/activate # activate virtual environment
- Install required python libraries
pip install -r requirements.txt # install pip requirements listed in requirements.txt
sudo apt install python3-tk # GUI library required by matplotlib (not available from pip)
- Run
python plot.py [PATH(S)_TO_DATA]
may contain multiple files, so the following is a nice way to clean, plot, and fit all Day_2_Data:
python plot.py Day_2_Data/*Plot
The resulting .pngs will be placed in Results/Day_2_Data/
Currently, the above code will produce an error when it gets to Part_2 data. Part_1 data will still be available in Results/Day_2_Data
There are still spikes on the left because this was our first experiment, and we switched from blocking one polarizer to the other. The spike cleaning algorithm is currently based off values from polarizer alpha (red) only.