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DethKlok was completed during our time as students at Code Chrysalis. It is a project designed to use the API's on Rakuten Rapid API's platform. This project was presented to the Rakuten Rapid API team along with feedback about our user experience on their platform. This application takes a user birthday input and returns a collection of fascinating data:

  • How many days you've been alive
  • Based on IP address country's average life expectancy rates, how many years left you have to live
  • A notable person who died on the day you born
  • A notable person who you share the same birthday with
  • The #1 Billboard hit song the day you were born
  • Historical event trivia about the day you were born
  • Historical event trivia about the year you were born
  • All of the NY Times articles published on the day you were born

View the deployed version here.

Project setup

Install dependencies


Compiles and hot-reloads for development

yarn serve

Compiles and minifies for production

yarn build

Start static production server

yarn start

Lints and fixes files

yarn lint

Rakuten APIs used in this Project

Non-Rakuten APIs used in this Project


@jmourell @jahackney @frankmfernandez @bkhartmire